Pig launchers and receiver equipment have many applications in the oil and gas industry, such as monitoring pipelines and cleaning their internal surface. Pigs are made in a variety of different sizes and shapes depending on their type of use. Meanwhile, the Pig Launcher at the beginning of the pipeline and the Pig Receiver at the end of the pipeline can import and remove the pig. In the natural gas industry, the pig moves using gas pressure. Pig launchers and receivers built in Apadana Petro Farayand are equipped with Quick Opening Closure and pressure indicators to increase the safety of the operators. To know about the presence of a pig inside the receiver, a device called a pig signaler is installed on it, which alerts the operator by entering the pig into the vessel. The remarkable thing about the use of a pig launcher and receiver is to pay attention to its safety, so it is necessary to comply precisely with the operation instructions, which is offered to the operator to prevent serious damages. Pigs are used in oil and gas pipelines for a variety of reasons. These include cleaning the inner walls of the pipe and inspection. The correct use of this equipment increases the life of the pipeline, improves the safety of operations, and reduces operating costs. The main body is made up of s, which are larger than the nominal diameter of the pipeline.
Apadana Petro Farayand can design and manufacture various types of pig launchers and receivers used in the oil and gas industry in a variety of sizes and ratings.